Sunday, December 13, 2009

Parents and children. Issues which will not leave

I really like the phrase famous British scientist Donald Winnicott, the author of books on child care, a specialist in child psychology. He said: "The family - a responsibility, not children, and parents."

And it is important to understand. Children should not be grateful to parents for what they conceived them. They must hope that the conception happened by mutual consent and pleasure. Parents should not expect from children of gratitude for the fact of their existence. Children do not ask to have their birth.

Good parents are actually raising a family and maintain its existence, thereby creating the basis for the care of children and creating the environment in which every child is gradually selects its place and establishes relationships with other people. Parents do not want for it thanks. They received their reward in the process and the sense of gratitude, prefer to see their children grow up, create their own family and become parents. Our happiness - that happiness and health of our children.

But children are entitled to blame us (the parents), if we, breed, not to guarantee them a decent start in life, that is our responsibility.

We know something about why this long and difficult work - the parent work on child-rearing - is worth doing. In essence, we believe that this work provides the only real basis of society. Although, when we raise children, then the least thinking about how someone in the future will create a "cell" of society.

They met on a walk with toddlers, we share his impressions: "My crying all night." "Never mind, after 6 months it will be easier." Or: "The most difficult thing - it is up to 3 years, and after that easier." Often wonder: "Before the year was a good boy. But after a year as phishing, a second on the spot! "

"Up to 12 years wore pigtails and was an excellent student, and now sheer stubbornness, defiance of all". And so on.

In human psychology there is an innate tendency to development, which corresponds to the growth of the organism and the gradual development of its functions. About 6 months the child can sit for about a year - begins to walk, mastering the first two or three words. Also there is a movement and in his emotional development. In the subsequent case of crises age children, from birth and ending with adolescence, although crises occur, and until his retirement.

In this article we will focus on children.

Children from the age change, and we notice it. But we are always ready to accept change and take them? First, try to understand: what is the age crisis?

Assume for the assumptions that the transition from one age to the next stage of development there are critical periods, or crises, when there is destruction of old forms of human relationships with the outside world and a new system of relations that is accompanied by significant psychological difficulties for the individual and his social environment . Indeed, during periods of crisis a person commits an important spiritual work: identify the contradictions between who he really is and those who would like to be, that is, and that he would like to have. During these periods, he begins to realize that some moments in their lives, they overestimated and others underestimated. You may receive a vague sense of what happened to him that something was wrong. And only when a person begins to realize that he needed to change something not in a social environment, and in itself, only then he begins to build a new life on a real basis. <

Emphasis is placed on transitional or critical periods, when for short intervals in the child brings to such changes, which are noticeable to others. This conflicts with relatives, intractable child, as if he falls out of the pedagogical impact.

The essence of each crisis is a choice that people should do. The nature of the choice affects the future of human life: its success or failure. Passing safely through the difficulties of its development, the child as it is tempered, making conclusions chooses. In the conflict with the utmost clarity exposed and emotionally experienced barriers and borders. For example: "I want candy instead of dinner!" We say: "No". The child begins to get angry, we sympathize, but firmly stood his ground. He will try, perhaps more than once "encroaching" on the dinner, but in the end, understand and accept that the candy - this dessert.

Thus, in childhood and adolescence allocate a big crisis (neonatal crisis, the crisis 3 years, adolescence 13-14 years) and small (one-year crisis, the crisis of 7 years, the crisis of 17-18 years).

At large crises rebuilt against a child (or adolescent) and society. Minor crises are outwardly calm and connected with the growth of skills and autonomy rights. During the critical phase of the children intractable, often stubbornness, negativism, obstinacy, disobedience.

What is the crisis of the newborn? The transition from intrauterine life to vneutrobnoy - is first of all, the restructuring of all the physiological mechanisms of the child. He gets into a cold and bright environment, moves to a new form of food and oxygen exchange. What happens requires a period of adaptation. An indication of this adaptation is the loss of a child in weight in the first days after birth. Somewhat less the case with the mechanism of adaptation to cold.

Psychological point of view on the definition of the end of the neonatal period associated with the appearance of the child at least a hint of interaction with adults (1,5-2 months). Expressive sign of this interaction is the appearance of a child's smile at the sight of a human face. Virtually all psychologists agree that the smile on the face of the child is the end of the crisis of the newborn. Further mental development - is, first of all, the development of means of communication with adults. <

How to choose the system for raising babies? In today's world of myriad. Some emphasis is put on early physical development, in others - on the development of intelligence in the third - on aesthetic, etc. Psychologists can not give exact recommendations, but may advise. The first thing to consider when choosing a system of education - is that all babies are different. If a baby is crying, frightened, uncomfortable, never break it, because psyche of the child has a tensile strength, but provoke a failure is easier than to correct it. Second, parents are always useful to ask yourself: "Why am I doing?" And give to this question is accurate, and most importantly, honest answer. If it is necessary in order to show off her friend - "my child in cold running barefoot in the snow" - something about this method of hardening should be forgotten. And third, you should never compare your child with other children. That nothing can be achieved, but to strengthen the complex and entrenched misunderstanding between themselves and their child. <

What is the essence of the crisis 3 years? This is the boundary between early childhood and pre-school - one of the most difficult moments in the life of the child. Here are some important symptoms of this crisis.

Negativism. The child gives a negative reaction than the action itself (remove shoes, for example), which refuses to comply, and the requirement or request of an adult (take off your shoes, please). He does not do something just because it offered him a certain adult. The child ignores the requirement of a family member or a teacher, and other fairly obedient. The main motive for action - to do the opposite. But it is not disobedience. Disobedience is in the younger age

Stubbornness. This is the reaction of the child who insists on something, not because he does really want it, but because he spoke about this to adults and requires that his views were considered. Here is an allocation of the individual and stipulate that this person considered.

Depreciation. The three-year child can begin to curse, throw and even break his favorite toy, the proposal at the time (depreciate the old attachment to things).

Disobedience. It is directed not against a particular adult, but against the accepted norms of behavior in the family (orders). The child wants to do everything himself, but it is the desire not to physical autonomy. A desire for independence intention, design.

The child shows despotism, dictating their behavior. If the family he is one, it shows the despotic power in relation to everything around him. Of course, these manifestations are of varying intensity in different children. Crisis 3 years old - is breaking the relationship that existed until now between the child and adult. This is a crisis of its allocation of "I".

As shown crisis 6-7 years? Its main features are as follows.

- Loss of immediacy (between desire and action is wedged in the experience of what value this action will have on the child)

- Manernichanie (a child is something of a building, hiding something)

- A symptom of "bitter sweets" (the child badly, but he tries not to show it).

Changed relationships with adults, peers, there are reasons of competition, the desire to be first, the changing attitude toward himself, appears self-esteem, a new attitude to success and failure.

Psychological characteristics of adolescence are called "adolescence complex. "Adolescence is a complex" includes:

- Sensitivity to the assessment by outsiders of their appearance and abilities;

- Extreme arrogance and peremptory judgments on others;

- Care sometimes gets on with startling callousness, painful shyness - with ease, the desire to be recognized - with ostentatious independence; struggle with authorities, the generally accepted rules, the deification of random heroes.

Personality development in adolescence is characterized by two contradictory trends. On the one hand established increasingly close contacts (friends, companies, groups), on the other - have increased autonomy, the complication of internal peace. The central issues for the adolescent period becomes

- Why I came in this world, if I made that no one asked?

- Does the this world for me?

- How am I treated others?

- What am I? What can I do? Can you love me? What is the meaning of my life?

Contemplating the problem of parents, resulting in the education of adolescents, we can say that the key to a good, healthy, developing relations can only be a dialogue. Working with adolescents, I often hear: "For me, no one speaks," I have no one to share, and, almost always, "I was not listening." It is very important - be able to simply and bezotsenochno listen, empathize and do not give advice, if requested to do so. And more often to remember myself and not to judge. Then you will earn the trust of their maturing child, and with anxieties and doubts it will come to you.

The ability to easily and deeply dialogue allows a person to understand the world in which it is, enjoy life, take yourself with all the strengths and weaknesses, discover the meaning of their lives, and most importantly - be able to take responsibility for themselves and to share responsibility with other people

So, I wanted to share some knowledge about why the sudden change of our children and what is due. Know - it means to be prepared, not caught by surprise. Surely any questions about what to do, how and what to help the children how to survive himself and not to break the psyche of the child.
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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Variants of limiting sex outside the house

How time flies and how to change public opinion. It would seem, not so long ago my mother and father had difficulty trying to find words, explaining the grown-daze process of childbirth, but now virtually all the media choking on the topic.
How many new and interesting people finding out about this area of your life! And as always, is that long suppressed, subsequently spilling unmanaged flow. Forgive me, my grandmother, it will be about sex.

This is a terrible word - sex. Yes, yes, it was terrible. Because the first people spilled a mud flow of information about the perversion, crime, prostitution, pornography in all its forms, and much more. Publications soften more serious topic, printing manuals on techniques of sexual relations, articles about sexually transmitted diseases and poluromanticheskie history. I personally like best tips on: how to diversify sex life.

Typically, first proposed to address this in the car. And what else comes to mind after watching numerous American films. It seems that in America, virtually all do it in the car, at least in his early youth. Well, perhaps, they have such a tradition (and the dimensions of the vehicle detail important in this case). But you try to frolic in the domestic or European brand. I think that without damage, at least for the machine, will not do. Yes, and what normal guy tolerate such blasphemy in his "beautiful"?

No, of course, I'm not against sex in the car, if it absolutely has no place or when nothing else is exciting. To heighten the excitement recommend to do it at full speed.

Second council usually related to the elevator, dressing cubicles or at worst case, storage rooms (a stranger). For particularly sophisticated - a toilet in an airplane. For the less - it is the same, but in a restaurant. In general, you see that, the room should be very small and crowded, and pressed for time. In short, in a quick. And sure the audience who, however, until the time of this unaware.

Well, I do not deny - an interesting option. While overcrowding and unsanitary conditions, according to respondents me many friends, actually I do not contribute to the emergence of desire. But for the so-called predygry these conditions are simply delicious. Here are just a desirable close to home. Of course, more liberated and secured a couple can drop by at a nearby hotel, but in my opinion, this is not an example of life. Although exceptions do not deny.

The next area of sexual games concerns water. For residents in a hot bath or shower cubicle, to the village - a bath and a natural pond. For vacationers, naturally, the sea. But - even though, according to science, man is composed mainly of water - for good sex water is not the best option. Who tried, he would agree with me, who does not let himself satisfied on personal experience. I only briefly to enumerate. Cons: slippery, wet, stuffy, crowded. And the pluses: new, clean, damp ... and washed at the same time.

Of the new products offered to try to merge in unison on surfboards. This option is a matter of respect: what kind of athletic training must possess to be able to master the woman on a narrow board, infinitely dangling in the waves ...

Another piece of advice concerns the nature. Here I have hands and feet for. Naturally, after preliminary training. This refers to light up a picnic, the presence of large thick blankets under the bodies in the process, a light plaid hand and warm weather. Better to choose a coniferous forest, there are practically no insects. But, of course, to a radius of several kilometers or a soul. Oh, dreams, dreams ...

Or on the island - by the way, is not so important on the river or at sea. Starry Night, quietly whistling the surf and surging desire ... sex, of course! Woven hot bodies fall on the sand ... who immediately swarmed around them. We have to move into the water to wash away the obstacles. But after bumping into lovers of night sailing and preserving the remnants of excitement, a couple of flies to land and runs along the shore in search of free deck chairs or even benches. Then, utterly exhausted, they wander to the hotel and there, falling to a comfortable bed, asleep. Oh, once it was over pessimistic ... just like in life.

And it's not in the external environment, but in feelings and desires. They are blunted with age - this is their something and have to upgrade. Make it a nd it is not easy, writes

It is much easier to talk about, which is better: in the elevator, shocking neighbors in the car, provoking the police, the police, or on vacation at the seaside. Oh there is something all by itself has turned out remarkable, as in the movie ...

Kiss me and I'll tell you who you are!

Probably there be love without a kiss? Hardly. Only a kiss without love, but perhaps there is absolutely quiet. Remember, as if often froze the soul of a light touch of lips beloved, as if quickened pulse, and breath sank. Did you know that is exactly how an individual like kissing, is permitted to see his character and temperament.

Do you want a reliable and constant partner in the relationship, while a man choose his lips in a kiss which remain dry and lazy. Probably seem that now nastoyaschiya # but a man and kiss-so no kisses, just etogovorit That is fleeting connection to it is not necessary, he is looking for a durable alliance.

Man carried away, probably just discourage you own passionate kisses. After kissing with this man you have to just stay apart forces. But remember that today's novels, along with this partner is very passionate, as well as they undergo the same lines it would soon, as if the flame burns. Brightly and briskly extinguished.

If a man in a kiss keeps you firmly in his own arms, in which case he can take care of good faith. It must be compressed body contact with your partner, only in the relationship he appreciates the sincerity and integrity.

The man, who was allowed to name ladies' man, always different and kisses him either in life can not be the same. He is likely to be calm, probably kiss passionately, and perhaps a little bite is likely to leave traces of their passion as well as the shoulder, neck and chest. However, not worth thinking about long-term relationship with such a partner. It will disappear from your life immediately, as if only his only interest to you go out.

Furthermore, now that the kiss is pleasant, it turns out that kissing is good for you. Although in this case, that it was time to kiss people exchange saliva, to pick up any infection is unlikely, a kind of as if contained in the saliva of a substance resist many infections.

With a kiss in the body produced neuropeptides, which affect harmful bacteria and viruses. Therefore allowed to talk about that now, in Kissing strengthens the immune system and leave all sorts of pain. But again neuropeptides have such a feature, they can turn a head is stronger than many drugs. If a partner says that it is but he's crazy about kissing, believe that now is not just a figurative expression, so it exists as well.

Did you know that it is now surrendering to kiss in over three minutes, you will burn calories as well as twelve "razomnete" up to thirty-four muscles. However, similar improvements in life expectancy, according to the least, a kind of U.S. scientists claim.

And at the end of all personal statistics. The first romantic kiss for the first time is about fourteen years. Much more than all the world kisses give time the Germans, but now the Japanese are so chaste, that now even kissing on the screen may force them to include a channel. The world record belongs to kissing under the American, having spent some eight hours, kissed eight thousand and over one woman.

Did you know that kissing is not only people but also for animals? But, but this tenderness may be a mouse as well as elephants, monkeys and sea lions.

So now, a kiss on health.

Why do girls like bad guys?

I think each of us in this life happen to lose, to stay with his nose when taken away from under the noses of your girl, I think at least once in their lives, one felt in his heart with bitterness porazheniya.Ostavatsya nose hurt, but hurt in double when you have exchanged your the girl at the person who you think at the very beginning, even the chances of her imel.Ty not believed him a weakling, a scoundrel, a miser who does not put that into girls, but in the end, he passes you with the aid of two to three gross phrases at the very moments winning the girl's heart, which you do without much success, spent a lot of time, compliments, flowers, ice cream and beer well, and is finite as nerves.

What a pity that in our lives so often happens, that guy, athlete, Komsomolets, no drinking, no smoking, good student, very educated, well read, does not change his girlfriend, as if his life is established, and the girls have him bunches hung around his neck, But no, they not only hung, but avoided him saying he was boring, tiresome or botanik.Terpenie bursts when the girl away from you from all sides of a positive, and to whom?

For a guy who conducts himself with girls like Stalin - smoking, drinking, Hamit not vochno does not put the girls to him long ago, he spit on the surrounding steep - refers to the subject of your sighs as a rag, not what it does not make! And yet, love it! not you!

What is the logic? You are loved, gave flowers, ice cream fed on svedaniya the minute came, not izmenyal.Kak Ciosny man was going to get married, and to you the wonders of nature!

You promelya for someone who constantly lies, is changing, at a meeting late or do they not come, sometimes even if you can hit him that it did not like.!

Nevertheless, It would seem that this is against all rules, this should not be, and meanwhile, happens fairly often. But why do girls who are supposed to love the strong, smart and loyal - a word of positive, often fall in love in the cowardly, cruel, false or weak?

The answer is: it is from them by nature.!

From experience I say - methods, for example, Stalin's completely valid. Even if you consider yourself a positive guy, you should be able to respond boldly and provocatively, or more simply - to learn how to beat a woman in the face. Of course, being a boor and a cad not to be constantly, but to achieve success with the opposite sex, must from time to time to be able to simulate the behavior of the hooligan, insolent and shirt guy, that instead of the stick, to be able to pull back and a whip, for girls, as the life, no one loves to eat carrots.

Although if you look on the other hand it is on an amateur!

Just want to emphasize that not all of these! But still there are people to which the above writing.

Just all depends on the mind.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Increased sweating: it can be dealt with

Most men are sweating during exercise and physical work. This is normal and even necessary. Isolation of sweat protects the body from overheating.

But some men perspire heavily for no apparent reason. However, they face many challenges:

* Soaking clothes, the need to change
* Unpleasant smell of the body and legs
* The desire to avoid close contact (hugs, handshakes)
* Low physical activity to avoid sweating.

Men rarely shared his problem with the doctor. Meanwhile, increased sweating is treatable. As a rule, went to a hospital room for improvement.

Causes sweating

Increased sweating due to intensified work sweat glands. There are 2 kinds of sweating:

* Recycled. It is caused by some other disease, such as hyperthyroidism, diabetes or infection. Sweating may be a side effect of taking certain medications. It sweats the whole body, including chest and back. Sometimes people sweat even in sleep.
* Primary. It is not a consequence of the disease. Doctors do not know its true reasons, but there is a tendency to transfer his inheritance. With an increased separation of this type of sweat only certain parts of the body (palms, soles, armpits and face).


Reduce sweating, you can use many ways. Choose the optimal method will help the doctor.

Powerful antiperspirants. These funds designated in the first place. They contain 20-25% aluminum chloride. This is much more than in conventional antiperspirants contain only 1-2% of the active substance. Antiperspirants can be treated with palms, soles and armpits. They are easy to use, but it is possible skin irritation.

Iontophoresis. Sweating stops under the influence of a weak electrical current. The most effective for sweating of the feet and palms. Course of treatment: 3-4 times a week for 2-3 weeks. Contra - the presence of the pacemaker.

Injections of botulinum toxin (Botox). Effectively suspends the sweat glands. Duration - 5-6 months. Injections are quite expensive and painful, but most men were very satisfied with the result.

Anticholinergics. Block the production of substances responsible for sweating. Effective in treating hyperhidrosis of the body. Can cause dry mouth, blurred vision and constipation, there are contraindications. Another group of drugs for treatment of hyperhidrosis - beta-blockers.

Surgery. By resort operations rarely - only when the sweating is very high, and other tools do not help.
Rx Illinois

Hair transplantation: to do or not do?

If you are interested in hair transplantation, especially your expectations should be realistic. In recent years, hair restoration techniques have improved significantly, however, such hair, as in youth, you hardly get. The operation's success depends largely on how much you have healthy hair that can be used for transplantation, but also on how quickly your hair fall out.

How is hair transplantation?
For transplant surgeon takes a small natural group of hair follicles of the patient and transplant them to the bare plot. Early methods involve the use of the flap, which was not less than 50 "donor" hair follicles, therefore, being planted in the area of hair loss, he looked like a tuft of hair unnatural.

New methods make it possible to transplant a single follicle or a group of two, a maximum of five follicles (grafts), which is implanted in the gaps between existing hair. The result often looks so natural that distinguish the transplanted hair is virtually impossible.

Do you need hair transplantation?
Hair transplantation may aid in the male (female), alopecia, and if you have lost part of the hair as a result of trauma, burns, infections or radiation therapy.

To get a good result you should have enough healthy hair, which can be used for transplantation. If their hair is not enough or quickly drop out, transplantation is unlikely to be effective.

The best results are achieved if the area of hair loss clearly delineated, and the hair at the temples and the nape rather thick. The presence of thin and thick hair also improves the result of the operation. On the bright hair is often the result looks more natural than in the dark.

How is the operation?
Hair usually produces a plastic surgeon, dermatologist or another surgeon who specializes in hair restoration. The procedure can take place in the doctor's office under local anesthesia. What will the surgeon:

· First, he will cut thin strips of skin with healthy hair follicles.

· SECTION strips on very small pieces (grafts) of different sizes.

Place · grafts in small incisions made in the field of hair loss or balding areas of the head. Hair can also be grafted to other areas of the skin (eg, beard or eyebrows).

· Zashet skin at donor sites. Typically, there are only small scars are practically invisible under the hair.

The operation can last from one to several hours. If a large section of hair loss, may require several procedures which will be held at intervals of several months. Sometimes for the best results, use a combination of different methods of hair restoration, including the stretching of the scalp or the use of tissue expanders.

As with any surgery, hair transplants do not eliminate the risk of complications - bleeding or infection - but it happens very rarely. It is also possible the prolonged loss of sensitivity of the scalp, and some of the grafts can not get accustomed to the new location.

What happens after surgery?
Healing after surgery takes place fairly quickly. Bandage removed after day and within a few days leaving swelling and puffiness around the eyes. Approximately a week after surgery on the scalp may appear small, but painful crust. By their daily business, as a rule, you can return immediately after the operation, and two weeks later and resume physical activity.

Do not be surprised if the transplanted hair fall out after a few weeks after the operation. This is normal and usually temporary. Hair begins to grow again from the transplanted follicles after 5-6 weeks, approximately centimeter per month.

To slow the loss of new hair and make them thicker, some patients use minoxidil after surgery (this cream is sold without a prescription) or finasteride (pills prescription). However, before using any of these drugs, you should consult your doctor.
Rx Rhode Island

Irritation after shaving: to prevent, treat

Irritation after shaving - a common problem for people with tight curly hair. During the ends of hair shaving sharp dig back into the skin, causing irritation and inflammation. Suffer most from men, especially those who must always be carefully shaven (eg, war). Women face this phenomenon when shaving legs, underarms and bikini area. Irritation after shaving is psevdofollikulitom and can cause itching and pain. In severe cases, infection occurs may be formed scars.

How to prevent the problem?

Try to do this:

* If possible, at least for a time beard. Do not shave for 1 month or before the facial hair does not grow back for about 0,5 cm then trim them with special thin scissors (do not use a razor).
* If you must shave, do not do it every day or not pressed the razor too close to the skin.

* Do not use razor blades. Instead, it can be used by other devices:
o Special "safe" razor or electric razor (but not "dangerous" mode).
o cream depilatory. These creams can irritate the skin, so use them 1-2 times a week. Follow the instructions on the package. Immediately after applying the wash to prevent irritation.
o Laser hair removal. The laser destroys the hair follicles and reduce hair growth.
o Wax depilation.
* If you use a razor:
o before shaving wash with warm water. This helps make hair softer. So they simply shaved and become not so acute.
o Use a moisturizing cream or gel for shaving. Apply it several minutes before shaving. It also helps soften hairs.
o Use a secure machine or with a razor blade. Change your blade as soon as it has no edge.
o shave in the direction of hair growth. Do not carry a razor twice on the same site.
o Do not stretch skin while shaving.
o After shaving wash with soap and water. For a few minutes to attach a face towel soaked in cold water. This will help reduce inflammation.

How to treat irritation after shaving?

* If possible, stop shaving for a while.
* In order to remove the remnants of hair, wiping the face in a circular motion with a stiff damp washcloth or soft toothbrush. Follow the procedure before shaving and going to bed.
* Hair, which bore into the skin, carefully remove with a sterile needle.
* Seek medical advice. You may need treatment with antibiotics or steroid creams.

See a physician if irritation persists, or there are signs of infection.
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